In Canvas, Assignments are activities for a Grade. Any gradable assignment creates a column in the gradebook.
Creating online assignments allows students to submit their assignments through Canvas. Instructors can then use Speedgrader to easily grade student submissions.
Note: If you prefer to display scores in the Canvas gradebook as a letter grade vs. points, please view the Using Letter Grades for Assignments webpage.
Canvas Quizzes Tool is used to create assessments in a Canvas course.
The discussion post counter is used to display student discussion participation.
External Tools
Canvas supports many built-in and external tools for grades and assessments.
- Proctored Exams
TurnItIn – Plagiarism Tool
TurnItIn is CSU’s plagiarism detection tool.
Students submit a TurnItIn paper the same way they submit any paper in Canvas. If a similarity report matches a paper submitted to our old plagiarism tool, VeriCite, it will display “matched another paper at Colorado State University”, but no other information is available for these old papers.
TurnItIn Documentation
TurnItIn accepted file types and sizes
Request a matching paper view if a student’s paper indicates a high similarity percentage to another paperCSU’s Academic Honesty and Integrity Information
Learning Accommodations
Canvas has several ways to allow for learning accommodations for a student who has worked with CSU’s Student Disability Center to document a learning disability. An accommodation might include additional time to submit an assignment, excused from an assignment or extra time to finish a quiz.
Grade Student Work
Use SpeedGrader for online assignment submission grading and annotation.
Manage Canvas Grades -
Early Performance Feedback
Each fall and spring semester, instructors in entry level courses have the opportunity to participate in the Early Performance Feedback process.
At approximately the 5th week of the semester, participating instructions can enter a Y (yes) or an N (no) for each of their students into the Meets Expectations column in their Canvas gradebook.
This information is collected and shared with academic advisors and residence hall staff. These staff members reach out to students who have received one or more “N’s” to inform them of campus resources that can help them turn their academic progress around.
Grading Scheme
A Canvas course Grading Scheme is used to convert the numeric % value of the Total score into a letter grade.
- Final Grades