External Tools

Approved external digital tools (third party software) can be added to Canvas to add new features or functionality, such as publisher materials and specialized tools. CSU has a number of external tool integrations with Canvas. These integrations usually use an LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) to connect these tools to Canvas.

Most approved external tools are added to a course module or an assignment in Canvas.

A few select external tools (Echo360, Pearson, Macmillan) can be added to the left course navigation.

  • Approved External Tools and Support
    Tool NamePurpose Who 
    Pays Cost 
    Who Can Use  User Support: 
    AktivChemistry homework toolCollege of Natural SciencesAktiv Support
    ALEKS (Chemistry)Chemistry homework toolStudent payCollege of Natural SciencesAleks Support
    ARES eReserveIntegrate eReservesLibraryAll CampusCSU e-Reserve Support
    Attendance (Roll Call)Take classroom attendanceIncluded with CanvasAll CampusRoll Call Guides
    Banana Vision VRVR access to Canvas quizzesCollege of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical SciencesCertain Biomedical Sciences coursesTodd Clapp – CVMBS
    Big Blue ButtonPart of the Conferences toolIncluded with CanvasAll Campus
    Canvas Credentials (formerly Badgr)Assign badges for complete tasksCSU OnlineCSU OnlineCanvas Credentials Support
    CengageHomework platformStudent payAll CampusCengage Support
    ClioVisVisualization tool for mind-mapping, timelines, and presentationsCollege of Liberal ArtsHistory DepartmentClioVis Support
    CVMBS Anatomy LTIsSpecies specific interactive anatomy toolFreeCollege of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical SciencesSee College
    Design Tools CidilabsPage design, images, multi toolCSU OnlineAll CampusCidiLabs Design Tools Support
    Echo 360Lecture captureCentral ITAll CampusCSU Echo360 help
    FlatWorld HomeworkFlatworld HomeworkStudent payCollege of Business
    Goodheart Wilcoxe-text and homework platformStudent payAll CampusGoodheart Wilcox Support
    GoReactVideo feedbackStudent payAll CampusGoReact Support
    Gradescope TiiGrading tool that allows for handwritten submission digitalization and automatic gradingCSUAll CampusGradescope Support
    Great River Publishinge-textsStudent payAll CampusGreat River Support
    iClickerClassroom response systemUTFAB paid for studentsAll CampusiClicker Support
    KalturaVideo Content PlatformCollege of BusinessCollege of BusinessKaltura Knowledge Base
    LibApps GuidesAdd CSU designed library guidesLibraryAll CampusCSU Research Support
    LinkedIn LearningBusiness, technology-related, and creative skills trainingCSUAll CampusLinkedIn Learning Support
    LyryxAssessment tool for Math, Economics and BusinessCollege of Natural SciencesMath DepartmentLyryx Support
    Macmillan Learn LaunchPadInteractive e-text platformStudent payAll CampusMacmillan Learn Support
    MATLAB GraderAutomated MATLAB code gradingCollege of EngineeringCollege of EngineeringMATAB Grader Support
    McGraw Hill ConnectOnline content and assignmentsStudent payAll CampusMcGraw Hill Support
    Microsoft Office 365Collaboration toolCentral ITAll CampusCanvas Collaboration Guide
    MobiusPre-calculus testingStudent payMath Department
    Norton SmartWork (Chemistry)Online homework system, used mostly by CHEMStudent payAll CampusSmartWork Support
    PackBackInquiry based discussionsStudent payAll CampusPackBack Support
    Pearson MyLab & RevealOnline content and assignmentsStudent payAll CampusPearson Support
    PiazzaDynamic discussion toolStudent payAll CampusPiazza Support
    PlayPositInteractive contentCollege of BusinessCollege of BusinessPlayPosit Community
    ReadSpeaker/docReaderText-to-speech toolATRCAll CampusCSU ReadSpeaker Support
    RespondusExam integrityCentral ITCampus RI coursesRespondus Support
    Rubin Educatione-text Business communication skillsStudent payAll CampusRubin Canvas Support
    Sage Vantagee-text requested by College of BusinessStudent payAll CampusSage Vantage Support
    SIMNet McGraw HillMicrosoft Office tutorial/trainingStudent payCollege of Business and upon requestSIMnet Overview
    SmartEvalsCampus course survey softwareTesting CenterAll CampusCourse Survey Support
    SmartSparrow CVMBSAdaptive learning toolStudent payCollege of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical SciencesSmartSparrow Resources
    TRUE+WAY ASLASL Course curriculumCollege of Liberal ArtsASL CoursesTRUE+WAY Support
    TurnitInAnti-plagiarism, learn how to cite properlyCentral ITAll CampusCSU TurnItIn Information
    Tutor.comOnline tutoring assistanceCSU OnlineCSU OnlineIn Tutor.com tool
    U-BehaviorQuiz analyticsFreeBy request
    UDoItAccessibility checkerCSU OnlineAll CampusCanvas Accessibility at CSU
    Verba VitalSource BookstoreeResource managementStudent pay – Option for students to opt out of purchaseAll CampusInclusive Access Support
    Vista Higher Learninge-text platformStudent payCollege of Liberal Arts – LLCVista Higher Learning Support
    WebAssign (Math Physics)e-text and homework platformStudent payCollege of Natural SciencesWebAssign Support
    WileyPluse-text platformStudent payAll CampusWileyPlus Support
    YellowdigInteractive discussion toolStudent payAll CampusYellowDig Support
    zyBooksHomework platform for Computer Science coursesStudent payAll CampuszyBooks Support
  • External Tools Under Review
    Tool NamePurposeWhich College Requested
    CredoLibrary literatureCSU Library
  • External Tools Not Approved
    Tool NamePurposeWhich College RequestedReason for not approving
    Bb AllyAccessibility checkerATRCHave UDoIt – cost
    EAB NavigateStudent success managementCSANo LTI
    Evolvee-Text for ElsevierCVMBSCSU uses Unizin Engage for eText reader
    ExamSoftExam creation, delivery, and analyticsCVMBSRequires access to every colleges data
    Film Platform COBFilm streamingBusinessProxy Server Required – otherwise only on campus viewing
    Google AssignmentsAssignment integrationDiv of ITCSU has moved to MS Office 365
    Hypothesis.isAnnotation toolCSU OnlineCost
    MacMillan RedShelf eTexte-TextLiberal ArtsCSU uses Unizin Engage for eText reader
    MS TeamsIntegrate meetings into Canvas calendarDiv of ITComplexity of integration
    My Educatore-TextCollege of BusinessRequest withdrawn
    OfficeMixPPT add-on for interactivityTILTData privacy concerns
    OneNoteCollaboration toolNatural Sciences
    Oxford U Presse-TextLiberal ArtsCSU uses Unizin Engage for eText reader
    PadletDigital bulletin boardCVMBS
    Perusall COBAnnotation toolCollege of BusinessCSU uses Unizin Engage for eText reader
    RedirectExternal resources as navigation itemsLiberal ArtsCSU prefers to have external tools linked under modules
    TopHate-Text & in-class responseDiv of ITiClicker selected as campus classroom response tool
    Turning TechnologiesStudent achievement dataDiv of ITiClicker selected as campus classroom response tool
    Willo LabsDelivery method for LTI’sNatural Sciences
    Zoom Web ConferenceVirtual MeetingsDiv of ITLack of campus standard for webconferencing
  • Request External Tools and LTIs

    If you are interested in having an external tool evaluated for inclusion in Canvas, please review and follow the steps for CSU’s external tool process with your College Canvas Coordinator.