iClicker Software

CSU has enabled single sign on (SSO) for iClicker Cloud, which allows all users to login to iClicker with their CSU NetID. When logging into iClicker Cloud, all users will need to login from the Campus Portal in iClicker Cloud. If you have an existing iClicker Cloud Instructor account, you will be able to link your existing account with your new campus portal account which allow you access to your existing courses and past session data.

iClicker Cloud Software

The iClicker Cloud desktop software must be downloaded to your computer in order to conduct polls/quizzes. If you are teaching from a computer where you do not have permission to install software, iClicker offers a standalone version of the software that can be copied to the hard drive without installation.

iClicker Cloud system requirements.

Next Step

Current iClicker Cloud Version

iClicker Cloud 6.1

Update iClicker Cloud
iClicker Cloud Release Notes

Minimum Supported Version

iClicker Cloud 6.0