Instructors can make Office 365 OneDrive available on a Canvas course menu. And can use Office 365 Collaborations in Canvas.
OneDrive Integration
If an instructor has enabled Office 365 in their course, students can access their OneDrive files and submit a document in OneDrive for a Canvas Assignment.
- Click Office 365 on left course menu.
- When prompted for Office 365 email address use your eID in the format of [email protected] (e.g. [email protected]) and your eID password.
Instructors and students can create collaborations for students to jointly work on an MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint file.
- Both instructors and instructors can create collaborations.
- A student must be the one to create a collaboration if the document is to be submitted to a Canvas assignment.
- Under Start New Collaboration use drop down menu to select Office 365.
- Select Type: Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
- Add users on the left to the Collaborators on the right.
- Can add Canvas groups to collaborations.
- Course instructor(s) automatically added to every course collaboration.
Collaborating on a Document
When collaborating with others in Office 365, use the Edit in Browser option. If a user selects Edit in Desktop App, only that user will be able to work on the document.
- Open a document for collaboration.
- Top right click Editing
- Select “Edit in Browser” so ALL collaborators can work in real time to edit document.
- Participants will see who is working on the document and can chat with each other.