Canvas Quizzes

At this time, Canvas has two quizzing options availalbe for instructors. Classic Quizzes, which have been available to all users since CSU adopted Canvas, and New Quizzes, which is the new quizzing feature being added to Canvas, which will eventually replace Classic Quizzes.

New quizzes is available in all CSU Canvas courses and it is recommended that users start using new quizzes now to get used to the changes prior to a complete switch from classic quizzes.

Canvas has removed a specific timeline for new quiz implementation while they work to implement these features. We are working with Canvas on key features we would like to see in new quizzes and will keep the campus up to date as these items become available.

Using the criteria below, we encourage instructors to try new quizzes to get a feel for the new tool and its features.

When to Transition to New Quizzes

  • If you are just getting started with Canvas quizzes, we strongly encourage you to use new quizzes
  • If you rely on standard question types; multiple choice, multiple answer, fill in one or multiple blanks, true false, or essay
  • If you are interested in trying the new quiz question types, categorization, hot spot, and ordering, or you’d like to add stimulus content to a quiz
  • To utilize new learning accomodation settings which include adding or removing time for all quiz attempts, and multiplying time limits by a set multiplie
  • Regrading options now available for almost all question types
  • If you are currently using classic quizzes that do not rely on question banks

Why Continue to use Classic Quizzes

  • If you need to convert question banks to item banks
  • If you need to export quiz analytics
  • If you’d like to use a survey

We expect Canvas to get most, if not all of these features working in the next year or two. At that time, we will work with campus to complete the move from classic to new quizzes.

New Quizzes

New Quizzes is a new assessment tool being built to meet the current and future assessment needs in your classroom.

New feature enhancements include;

  • A waiting period between multiple attempts
  • The ability to shuffle questions on a quiz
  • More fill in the blank word recognition options
  • The ability to provide a time accommodation for a student for all quiz attempts in a course.
  • New question types including; categorization, stimulus, hot spot, and ordering.

View the feature comparison between new and classic quizzes.

New Quizzes Resources

Proctoring for New Quizzes

Respondus LockDown Browser + Monitor works with new quizzes.

Item Banks

If you use Classic Quizzes that rely on Question Banks, or if you intend on using Item Banks with New Quizzes, please view the information about owning, sharing, and naming Item Banks.

Classic Quizzes

Note: Classic Quizzes is being replaced by new quizzes. See notes above.

There are 11 question types that can be used in a classic quiz, 9 of which can be auto-graded by Canvas.

Since students have the ability to search online while taking a quiz, Canvas quizzes are usually equated with an open book quiz. Here are some ways to maximize quiz setting security.

Proctoring for Classic Quizzes

Proctoring Information for Classic Quizzes