Item Banks

If you use Classic Quizzes that rely on Question Banks, we recommend that you wait to migrate your classic quizzes and Question Banks.

Currently, there is not a easy way to migrate class Question Banks to New Quiz Item Banks.  We are testing the enhanced migration tool which will provide this functionality

There currently is not a way to duplicate an Item Bank.  Be thoughtful about sharing an Item Bank with other instructors.  A person with access to an Item Bank can create, edit and delete the Item Bank.

Owning and Sharing Item Banks

Item Banks can be owned/shared by a person, multiple people, by a course, or both.

Any person who is an owner of an Item Bank can create, edit, and delete the Item Bank.

The course ownership option allows anyone in that course who can create a new quiz to create, edit, and delete Item Bank questions.  This includes users with the role of Teacher, Asst. Teacher, and Designers – New Quiz

Editing a question in an Item Bank will edit that question in all quizzes/courses linked to that Item Bank. A change to a question in an Item Bank will not affect a quiz which students have already started taking or completed.

Item Bank Recommendations

Setup an Item Bank so it is owned by one or more persons and by a course.

When the content of a course is imported into a new course, the Item Bank will be shared with the new course.

Naming of Item Banks is Very Important

Because Item Banks can belong to a course and/or a person, the naming of Item Banks will help you quickly find your Item Banks and identify in which course you have used that Item Bank.

Item Bank Naming Recommendation

Instructor Name Course, Semester (optional), Purpose of Item Bank/Name

  • CamRam SOC 201 Mid-Term
  • Jones J BU 100 2022FA CH 1